
I provide a range of services at an individual level and organisational level. Not sure what you need, or what it costs? I can explain further. Get in touch below. For information on 1:1 consultation, please click here.

Health writing

I have over eight years of experience writing for various online and print publications. I have written high-quality materials on nutrition and health, which have been republished to different platforms.

Different health writing services I am able to provide include infographics, press release, evidence-based articles, social media posts, review papers and online course content.

Events, Workshops and Webinars

I have been invited to speak at national and international nutrition and health events.

I deliver presentations on various nutritional topics for universities, schools, charities, healthcare groups and organisations.

Key topics I am able to cover include women’s health and nutrition, gut health, nutrition support for older adults, dietary management of long-term chronic conditions (e.g. type 2 diabetes) and public health nutrition including health promotion.

I also deliver talks on academia and career progression to encourage students and future Dietitians and Nutritionists. 

Research consultancy

With a strong background in research and the ability to gather information, critically appraise and use statistical analysis softwares, I am able to conduct specialised and targeted field research on behalf of clients and produce a final analysis of key findings.

Previous work & featured in:

If you would like to work with me